Glue Kitchens

Each component is injected by a pump actioned with a frequency converter which injects the glue in a continuous and steady amount. Instalmec has designed its innovative glue noozles together with Universities and Research Centers. One of the advantages of these nozzle is the possibility to dose finely the amount of glue, thus allowing an ideal glue mixture. It is also possible to warm up the glue to enhance its fluidness. The development of all these innovations, together with a higher pressure into the nozzles allowed us to reduce the consumption of glue, still keeping unvaried the excellent mechanical properties of the panel. The correct dosing of the components is recorded into the PLC.

Advantages Glue Kitchens

Accurate dosing of the components

Frequency converter to guarantee a constant and continuous flow

Innovative nozzles to inject glue

Reduced consumption of glue