Cleaning system for recycled wood
Cleaning system for recycled wood
Instalmec s.r.l. manufactures complete crushing, refining, cleaning and preparation lines for recycled wood – to be used to produce different types of pan...
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System for dry cleaning of wood
System for dry cleaning of wood
Instalmec has developed an innovative system for Dry Cleaning of wood suitable for virgin and recycled wood: after screening it is essential to divide the mater...
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Dry inline gluing system for fibre
Dry inline gluing system for fibre
Instalmec has developed an innovative gluing system that respects the environment, reducing the level of formaldehyde released into atmosphere, preserves the mechanical characteristics of the panels, and reduces the consumption of glue.
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Dust and mineral cleaner system
Dust and mineral cleaner system
After a long period of elaboration and several trials performed in its laboratory Instalmec has developed a new screening device capable of an enhanced sifting...
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Drying system for wood particles
Drying system for wood particles
Wide experience in panel board technology allows INSTALMEC S.r.l. to be on the market with complete, reliable and cost-effective drying units, provided with inn...
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Cleaning system for fibre
Cleaning system for fibre
It is generally known, that 98% of all MDF production lines have a common problem which is not solvable with traditional separation systems available on the mar...
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Pellet Production Plant
Pellet Production Plant
We design and manufacture drying systems for wooden particles and fibre for PELLET producers. With a reduced investment our clients can rely on a high-performing and innovative integrated system, with low operating costs.
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MDF production plants
MDF production plants
Wood fiber is first produced by a defibrizer, then it is dried by a hot air stream which conveys it to the following stage. It is glued, and then enters the sy...
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Plant for the production of OSB panels
Plant for the production of OSB panels
The "green" material in form of logs is selected so as to eliminate any log having inappropriate size or shape. Suitable logs are reduced to leaves (s...
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Particle board production plants
Particle board production plants
The wooden material is first selected and separated from foreign bodies, and then it is grounded and reduced to "chips" of appropriate size, whic...
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